The Ultimate Guide To Property Security

For many of us, property is one of the largest investments we make over the course of our lives. Not only does it represent a home and a place to lay down roots, it’s also a livelihood and source of income for developers, tradespeople and investors alike.

It’s for these reasons, and many others besides, that securing a property is of paramount concern. That’s something we fully understand at Churchill Support Services, and we pride ourselves on having a comprehensive knowledge of what it takes to secure a property effectively and efficiently.


The ultimate guide for property security


We’ll break down exactly what you need to know about securing your property, why it’s of the utmost importance, and the steps you can take to ensure that your property stays safe and secure even when you’re not there.

5 Key Reasons Why Securing Your Property Is Essential

Of course, as with anything you own, it’s important to keep it safe. That’s especially true if it holds value, and whether that’s monetary or sentimental there’s still an intrinsic need to ensure the safety of whatever you own.

That’s especially true of property, but the value of what you own isn’t the only driving factor behind keeping it safe through effective property security. Let’s explore a few of the key reasons behind securing your property, and the risks they help mitigate.

1. Preventing Vandalism & Trespassing

As two of the more serious threats to property security across the UK, it’s absolutely imperative that we do everything we can to combat vandalism and illegal trespassing on your property.

That necessity is further underscored by the rising statistics across vandalism, with the latest figures showing over half a million incidents of vandalism and property destruction over the last year, and a worrying trend that shows numbers rising again to their pre-pandemic levels.

With robust and effective security for your property, you’re effectively protecting your livelihood and your home from two of the largest threats that property owners face.

This is most effectively achieved through property security guards, who’ll be able to respond in a rapid and effective manner to any disturbances at your premises, and deal accordingly with the criminals responsible.

2. Securing Your Valuables

While we’d argue that the property itself is arguably the most valuable thing you’ll be securing, it’s often of just as much importance that you secure any valuables on site as effectively as you look after the property as a whole.

That’s especially important with the recently published statistics on burglary. The most recent publications from the ONS revealed alarming numbers across residential burglary – over 195,000 incidents in the last year.

While these are naturally a cause for concern, they’re also an effective way to highlight the pressing need for comprehensive and effective property security services. Mitigation against burglary and theft starts with good security, and the pinnacle of that is manned property guarding.

With mobile and stationary guards at your property, you can even ensure the safety and security of vacant properties, and provide yourself with complete peace of mind, even when you’re not there to oversee the property personally.

3. Protecting Your Investment

It’s universally accepted that property is often a great area to invest in. Even as the housing market fluctuates, there’s still a significant amount of money that can be made with wise purchasing, savvy speculations, and a good amount of knowledge of the ebb and flow of prices.

For many, securing a vacant property represents a smart outlay that can ultimately help them continue to work on a valuable project or development without the risk of being disrupted by trespassers or vandals.

It can also mean that you’re able to store equipment and materials at your property even when you’re not actively working on your project, and rest safe in the knowledge that your property security package has you completely covered.

4. Helping Keep Other Properties Safe

While it’s tempting to only consider your own investments when it comes to property security, it’s also vital you think about others around you. This is of particular importance if you’re securing a terraced property, or one that’s central to a busy or built-up area.

Securing a property not only means you’re protecting the property you’ve invested in, but you’re helping to provide a sense of security and reassurance for those around you. They’re more likely to feel relaxed and protected in knowing that you’ve done your due diligence in looking after and securing your property.

This leads into our final reason on why keeping a property secure is an absolute essential in this modern era.

5. Aiding In Reducing Local Crime Rates

As much as they’re the responsibility of the relevant police forces, we all have a role to play in keeping the crime rates in our local area at a manageable and sustainable rate. And, as a property owner, effective property security can be a huge advantage in that battle against crime.

By investing your hard-earned cash into a robust security solution for your property (especially so if you’re planning to leave it vacant for any period of time), you’ll be contributing massively towards the overall safety of your area, and to the wellbeing of those who live there.


What Security Measures Does My Property Need?

What security measures does my property need?


Now that we’ve established the pressing need for securing your property, it’s just as important to understand the necessary measures you’ll need to have in place to ensure you’ve got maximum security, and ultimate peace of mind.

Let’s look at the key measures a good property security package has in place, and why these are all contribute towards a safe and secure property.

Employing Security Personnel Is The First Line Of Defence

Often the first consideration when it comes to securing a vacant property, security guarding is usually at the forefront of many security packages – and for good reason. Time and time again we’ve seen that visual deterrents help drastically reduce the presence of crime, and keep areas safer and more secure.

That’s the guiding principle behind property security guards. By opting for a security provider like Churchill, we’re able to offer expertly trained, SIA-licensed officers that have extensive experience in monitoring.

These security professionals are able to provide comprehensive coverage of your site, offering multiple, highly-valuable services that include:

  • Mobile Patrolling – At Churchill Support Services, we’re able to offer security personnel who can perform routine patrols of your property and its grounds or gardens. This is absolutely invaluable if you own a larger property, or you’re just wanting a more complete overview of a vacant building.
  • Industry-Specific Training – With our extensive range of service partners, we’re exceptionally proud to be able to offer property security guards who’ve got prior experience with all the necessary procedures associated with the specifics of securing a house or building.
  • Health & Safety Expertise – Health and safety is often a crucial consideration when securing your property, and by opting for security personnel who’ve got extensive training in all your site’s necessary health & safety protocols, you’re able to rest easy knowing your site’s not just secure, but safe too.
  • 24/7/365 Availability – With round the clock availability as standard, you can rest easy in the knowledge that your property is protected regardless of when an issue arises.

Not only do they act as an excellent deterrent, and have an array of industry-specific skills and proficiency, property security guards can also act as your point of contact if something does happen.

All of our guards are expertly trained in how to liaise with and respond to the presence of emergency services at your property, and can work alongside these professionals in order to ensure that you’re fully covered and can still proceed with any projects or plans you had in motion.

Invest In Comprehensive CCTV Coverage

The second part of the two-pronged traditional approach to securing a property, CCTV forms the basis of any successful security package alongside manned guarding. It’s an exceptionally effective deterrent, as well as being a superb tool in the face of adversity or challenge.

With technology for closed circuit cameras continuing to develop, and more advanced features becoming commonplace, it’s never made more sense to invest in a robust CCTV package for your property.

They’re the ideal supplement to your on-site property security guarding, and can be used in the event of an emergency to provide the police with crucial evidence and supporting resources.

Plus, by choosing a well-established property security company like Churchill, you’ll have unlimited access to our 24/7/365 Communications Centre, who provide complete coverage for your site, and expertly deployed, swift, and effective responses in the event of a disturbance.

Choose Swift & Efficient Alarm Response

There’s not much worse than the sinking feeling we experience when an alarm goes off, especially if it’s at our home. That’s compounded even further if we’re far from our property, and aren’t able to respond.

With a vacant property alarm response service such as the one we offer here at Churchill Support Services, you’re able to relax in the knowledge that, even if you’re miles from home, your property is safe in the hands of an expert team.

Thanks to our state-of-the-art Communications Centre that’s manned 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year, we’re able to constantly be in control of your site, and can provide a rapid response.

We’re exceptionally proud that, in the event of an incident, we can have a highly-trained security operative at your property in as little as 30 minutes, who’s able to respond to any situation in an effective and efficient manner.

Consider Key Holding For Your Vacant Property

One of the more underrepresented areas of property security, key holding services are absolutely invaluable if you’re planning to leave your property unattended or empty for an extended period of time.

While it’s often a service that many overlook, it’s actually an integral part of any robust security solution for any property. There’s very few security providers who can offer this, and Churchill are the frontrunners amongst them.

With our exceptional pedigree as one of the industry’s leaders, we’re able to keep hold of a copy of your property’s keys in a secure, undisclosed location, ensuring that we’re always able to provide you with access in the event it’s necessary.


John Melling

Group Chief Executive Officer

John has a proven track record for motivating and leading high performance teams and has helped mentor and develop many people at Churchill who now hold key or senior positions within the business. John is committed to delivering only the finest services, exercising compelling leadership, maintaining good internal morale and striving to resolve any challenges efficiently and effectively.