The Ultimate Guide to Warehouse Security

Often large and remote buildings, warehouses can be open up to 24 hours a day and often have workers coming and going. That plus the high value of products, equipment and goods they contain make warehouses a popular target for theft. Whether that’s large-scale burglaries or smaller-scale thievery, the cost all adds up.

It’s estimated that supplier and warehouse theft cost the sector around £915 million in 2019. This represents about 18% retail shrinkage; the term used to check retail loss rate and is calculated by subtracting the level sales in a year from what sales should have been.

Whatever your warehouse security needs, Churchill Support Services provide bespoke solutions to businesses across the UK. Read our blog to find out everything you need to know about warehouse security.


Why Do Warehouses Need Professional Security?

Employee Theft

When it comes to security threats, you have to look inside your business, as well as externally. Sadly, employees can be responsible for theft that goes on in your warehouse. From stealing the odd item to engaging in widespread fraud and theft, your very employees could be contributing to your loss of goods and revenue. This issue isn’t just confined to warehouses, however. Staff theft costs UK businesses an average of £138 million per year

External Theft and Break-Ins

Whilst tightening internal security can help you reduce stock loss, you’ll also need to defend your warehouse from external threats, such as intruders and burglars. Warehouses are a profitable target for criminals; they often store high-value goods or at least a bulk amount of lower-value goods. That combined with the fact that warehouses are often located on remote sites makes them the prime target for theft.

Employee Safety

Crime not only impacts the bottom line of your warehouse business but can also threaten the safety of your employees. If confronted or caught in the act, criminals could possibly turn aggressive or violent. This puts your employees at risk of personal harm or injury. Deploying professional security can help to protect your staff from harm and ensure safety in the workplace.

Equipment Damage

When gaining or trying to gain access to your warehouse, criminals could damage your property and equipment. This could prove expensive to your business, both in repair costs and in the downtime in your business operations. With professional security on the case, you’ll have peace of mind that your property and assets are secure against criminal damage.


How Can You Protect Your Warehouse?

Carry Out a Security Assessment

Every warehouse will have different security challenges and risks. Whether it’s multiple access points or the remote location, you’ll need to know where your security weaknesses are before you can fix them. That’s why we recommend that your carry out a security assessment of your warehouse and site. This will help to identify areas that could put your business at risk, as well as recommendations to secure your business against crime.

Here at Churchill Support Services, we can carry out an internal and external security assessment of your warehouse. Our operational managers will inspect your property and suggest the best security services to meet your budget and security requirements.

Secure Your Warehouse Perimeter

Your site perimeter is the first line of defence against criminals and intruders. Without a secure perimeter, you risk leaving your business open to crime that leaves you out of pocket and could put your staff at risk. That’s why it’s so important to make sure that your perimeter is secure.

To do that, we recommend installing quality perimeter fencing. This not only helps to clearly demarcate your premises but also helps to keep intruders out. The only way in and out of your business will be through official entrances and exits, which you can guard more closely with security guards or access control solutions.

Add Security Lighting

Warehouses are often situated in more remote locations such as business parks. During the night, these areas can be dark and quiet, providing the perfect cover to strike against your business. Installing security lighting across your business can make your warehouse a higher-risk target for intruders; they’re more likely to be caught in well-lit areas.

We can offer a range of lighting solutions to help light your external spaces. Whether you require a temporary or permanent solution, we’ll assess your site and create a lighting installation strategy that provides the best coverage possible. We don’t stop there, however; we’re on hand to support any lighting maintenance you need.

Install CCTV and Monitoring

For any warehouse owner, you’ll no doubt want peace of mind that there’s eyes on your site, even when you’re not there. CCTV systems can help to detect and prevent theft, whether that’s from employees or intruders. Camera systems can also come in handy after the fact, providing security footage to support police investigations and insurance claims.

The Churchill team can provide permanent and temporary CCTV solutions, as well as offer a 24/7 monitoring service. Our CCTV technician will install cameras to provide the best coverage of your site, minimizing blind spots for maximum security.

Set up an Alarm System

Even with security measures in place, intruders can still sometimes avoid detection. That’s why alarm systems can be so invaluable to businesses. If someone tries to gain unlawful access to your warehouse or premises, the alarm will sound and your security company will be contacted. If you’ve opted for an alarm response solution, security guards will be deployed to investigate and secure your property.

Churchill Support Services offers alarm system installation and alarm response solutions, so you have peace of mind that your warehouse has the protection it needs. We have an average alarm response time of just 30 minutes, ensuring any alarm activations are investigated in a timely manner.

Implement Access Control

Warehouses are a busy space. There will no doubt be workers coming and going, with deliveries made and goods moved back and forth. Whilst this is necessary for any logistics business, it can also pose a security risk, making it difficult to track stock if it goes missing.

Implementing an access control system, whether that’s with a fob, card, or biometric system, helps to restrict who can access certain areas of your business, as well as help record who is coming and going from your warehouse. Churchill Support services can install and configure your chosen access control system and support you with its operation.

Restrict Vehicle Access

As well as workers, your warehouse may have many vehicles such as delivery trucks coming in and out of your business. Most of these will be there for legitimate reasons but criminals could also exploit this vehicle access to target your business. Control vehicle access can help to safeguard your stock and employees.

At Churchill Support Services, we offer a range of bollard and barrier solutions to restrict vehicle access to your site, allowing you to properly vet visitors and ensure they are authorized to access your warehouse. With a range of solutions, we can provide a tailored service to all types of warehouses and sites.

Consider Security Guards

Having on-site security guards is still one of the best ways to protect your warehouse. Whether you opt for static guards at entry and exit points, mobile security patrols around your site or event reception security, you’ll have peace of mind that trained security professionals are ready to respond to security threats.

Our security guards are SIA licensed, fully trained and vetted. We can deploy our guards any time of day or night, so you can have 24/7 protection for your warehouse. Our experienced office team is only ever a phone call away, so you’ll always have the support you need to safeguard your business.


How Can Churchill Support Services Protect Your Warehouse?

SIA licensed Guards and Officers

Our security guards are vetted and highly trained. We ensure that all our officers hold a valid SIA licence and are qualified to carry out their duties safely and professionally.

Experienced Operational Managers

Our security guards are supported by experienced operational managers, who help ensure that your business always has the security coverage it needs.

Comprehensive Service Offering

With our extensive range of security services, we can provide tailored protection for your business. Whatever type of business you operate, our team is here to support your security.

Strong Virtues and Purpose

At Churchill Support Services, we’re building a company we truly believe in. With our strong sense of purpose and virtues of People First, Passion and Humility, we deliver a service like no other.

Available Across the UK

Our quality services are available across the UK. No matter where your business is based, we can deploy a security service that works for you.


 Churchill Support Services is a leading cross-industry security provider, supplying reliable and effective security services to businesses and organisations across the UK. To find out more about how Churchill Support Services can support your business and its operations, get in touch with us today.


John Melling

Group Chief Executive Officer

John has a proven track record for motivating and leading high performance teams and has helped mentor and develop many people at Churchill who now hold key or senior positions within the business. John is committed to delivering only the finest services, exercising compelling leadership, maintaining good internal morale and striving to resolve any challenges efficiently and effectively.